If you’re sat at your computer worriedly googling “a clutch repair near me”, fret not as Stedmans Garage are here for you! Our team are experienced and provide a can-do attitude, so you can feel safe knowing your car is in safe hands with us.

By coming to us in your time of need, we will take care of your vehicle and get you back on the road in no time. We are one of the more well-established garages in the area, having been established in 1923.

We have worked with a large range and variety of vehicles and have a great team of highly qualified mechanics available to us, so you will only receive the most professional service at a competitive price.

The truth is, we often take our cars for granted, they’re great when they’re working and take us from A to B, but when things start to go wrong they can be a huge source of stress and consternation. We understand that you need to be able to put your trust in your local garage and that’s why we’re here.

If you want to book a clutch repair today, please get in touch with us via the form on our site. Alternatively you can email us on info@stedmansgarage.co.uk or call us on 01903 961 666.