Your vehicle may be looking its finest, but what if there are hidden issues that are causing you concern? Invest in a car mechanic in Lancing with Stedmans.

Maintaining a vehicle requires knowing what is required to keep it running while still keeping within a reasonable cost. That is why we believe we excel when it comes to supporting our customers, as we’ll work hard to ensure that the results not only exceed expectations, but are affordable.

High-quality vehicle maintenance and MOT providers situated in Worthing for nearly a century.

We are a garage that not only does all we can to ensure we provide outstanding technical support, but also first-class customer service. Should you be unsure about anything regarding your vehicle, we’ll do all we can to advise you of the most suitable approach for your requirements.

Whether you’ll need help with your wheels, brakes or other, we’ll endeavour to ensure results are of the highest standard.

If you would like to find out more about our services, you can do so via our website. You can also book online through our website or contact us directly on 01903 691666 for further advice from a member of our team.